Back in the olden days, I used to have to attend a genealogy society meeting or conference in order to hear lectures on subjects that interested me. Now, I can sit at home in my recliner and watch a webinar (web-based seminar) on just about any subject you can imagine. In the last two weeks I've watched webinars on organizing my genealogy files, finding my ancestors in historic newspapers, and how to to use Google+. And I learned something new with each one!
If you're wondering how you can find out about these webinars, here is the place to go:
GeneaWebinars is the "gathering place" for genealogy education. It lists upcoming webinars (free and paid) hosted by Legacy Family Tree, RootsMagic, Thomas MacEntee, DearMyrtle, and many others. Topics range from how to use DNA, where to find FamilySearch Wikis, finding your Revolutionary War ancestors, and using Second Life. There's even a webinar on How to Attend a Genealogy Webinar!
So, whenever you have a few minutes, find a webinar to watch. You'll learn something new, I guarantee it!